Excel Functions

How to Use Excel Today Function?

The simple tutorial about using Excel Today function with multiple easily understanding examples.

Excel Today Function
Excel Today Function

Today Function: A Brief

The TODAY function in Excel returns the current date and updates automatically whenever the worksheet is opened or changed. This function does not require any arguments and you can apply a date format to display the result correctly. You may need to use the NOW function if you need both the current date and current time.

ObjectiveValue Returned by function
Aim to get the current dateToday Function will return a valid Excel date in serial numbers.

Today Function: A Syntax


The TODAY function returns the current date and updates automatically whenever the worksheet is refreshed. The result is a standard Excel date and to display it correctly, apply a date format. You can also customize the format as needed as shown in the below image.

Applying date formats
Applying date formats

Using Today Function with Practical Examples:

=TEXT(TODAY(),"DDDD")ThursdayCurrent day of the week
=TEXT(TODAY(),"MMMM")MarchCurrent month name
="Q"&ROUNDUP(MONTH(TODAY())/3,0)&"-"&YEAR(TODAY())Q1-2025Current quarter
=TODAY()+5*36512 March 20305 years from today
=IF(MOD(YEAR(TODAY()),4)=0,"Yes","No")NoCheck if current year is a leap year
=EOMONTH(TODAY(),0)31 March 2025Last day of the current month
=EOMONTH(TODAY(),0)+101 April 2025First day of next month
=EOMONTH(TODAY(),1)30 April 2025Last day of next month
=DATE(YEAR(TODAY())+1,1,1)01 January 2026First day of next year
=DATE(YEAR(TODAY()),12,31)31 December 2025Last day of the current year
Practical today function formula with output results as examples.
Practical today function formula with output results as examples.

Find the Next Friday from Today:

If you want to schedule a meeting every Friday, and you need to find the next Friday from today. You can use the below formula.

Formula to find the next Friday and tuesday from today using today function
Formula to find the next Friday and tuesday from today using today function
Number ValueDay Name

=TODAY()+MOD(3-WEEKDAY(TODAY()),7), you can change the number to check for the different days in the coming week.

Calculate AGE using Today function:

You can use the today function along with the year function to calculate the AGE of the person. to do this, you must need to enter the proper date values.


The formula to do this is,





=IF(ISNUMBER(C4), DATEDIF(C4,TODAY(),"Y"), "Invalid Date")

Display Time along with Today Function:

you can use the time function along with the Today function to print current date with the time.


The output of the above formula is ,

Formula to print current date with time
Formula to print current date with time

Other formulas with time function to print today with time output with multiple formats,

=TEXT(TODAY(), "DD-MMM-YYYY")13-Mar-2025
=TEXT(TODAY(), "DDDD, DD-MMM-YYYY")Thursday, 13-Mar-2025
=TEXT(TODAY(), "MMMM YYYY")March 2025
=TEXT(TODAY(), "YYYY-MM-DD")2025-03-13
=TEXT(NOW(), "DD-MMM-YYYY HH:MM AM/PM")13-Mar-2025 04:13 PM
=TEXT(TODAY()+1, "DD-MMM-YYYY")14-Mar-2025
=TEXT(TODAY()-1, "DD-MMM-YYYY")12-Mar-2025

That’s it.

Vigneshwaran Vijayakumar.

Feel free to comment us below, if you have any queries about the above topic and find more interesting excel tutorials on our homepage.


  • Today Function by Microsoft Support, Retrieved on 13/03/2025: Link
  • Insert the current date and time in a cell by Microsoft Support, Retrieved on 13/03/2025: Link
  • TODAY Function by Wall Street Prep, Retrieved on 13/03/2025: Link
  • TODAY function in Excel by Chris Menard, Retrieved on 13/03/25: Link

Vigneshwaran Vijayakumar

Hello, I’m Vigneshwaran Vijayakumar, also known as Vikroger, the founder, owner, and author of WinSides.com. With nearly a decade of experience in blogging across various domains and specializing in Windows-related tutorials for over five years, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to WinSides.com. Expanding my expertise, I am now stepping into Excel24x7.com aiming to provide high-quality, in-depth articles that simplify Excel for users of all levels. My goal is to make learning Excel as seamless as possible, offering practical solutions and insights to enhance productivity and efficiency.

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